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Values Plus
The very purpose of education is to develop all round and well balanced students. While information oriented education takes care of the intellectual development, Value Education nurtures other aspects of their personality like emotional, social and spiritual, providing for the growth of positive attitude, values, habits and interests. 
Ethics Plus

This programme is especially tailor-made for Engineering and MBA students. At NIVE, we aspire to nurture students to become conscientious human beings, responsible citizens and exemplary role models in society.
All global leaders today unanimously agree that educational institutions should focus on a holistic development of the student, not just academics. This programme provides a framework in ethics education so that students grow up into conscientious people who put humanity before self in corporate and personal life.’
Ethics Plus aims to enrich students with a paradigm of life based on the wisdom of ancient Indian classics. This paradigm provides an enlightened perspective on the universe and our place in it. This knowledge naturally inspires ethical character and behaviour in all aspects of life

Nurture plus

Curated with the vision of ensuring a consistent movement towards conscious parenting NIVE recognises the challenges that parents face in a world of fast-paced, technological dependency. Our goal is to bring value education in schools a full circle by engaging parents with our rich content, and thereby empower our students. Through the Nurture Plus programme, we ensure that there is a safe space for dialogue and discussion in a support circle that comprises of parents and facilitators.
Through a series of workshops held periodically during the academic year, Nurture Plus collaborates with parents to create an environment for the all-round development of their children. The workshops also ensure that parents are in sync with their children’s learning journeys in school.

Transform Plus

A unique initiative by NIVE, this programme seeks to impart values based on ancient Indian wisdom by connecting with the teaching community at large.

National Institute of Values Education (NIVE) focuses on imparting Values Education to students in schools and Ethics and Values education in colleges. We aspire to collaborate with schools and colleges in realizing their vision, and compliment the education system by inculcating strong personal, social, universal and spiritual values. We are proud that our program currently has made a significant difference in the lives of more than 15,000 parents, teachers & students.
This unique program uses effective pedagogy to inculcate timeless values. The program effectively integrates the learning of values and life skills into the curriculum. At the heart of this program, lies a distinct vision of creating global and responsible citizens with a strong belief in our rich Indian culture and values. Classes are  experiential and reflective.
A dedicated team of instructional designers and curriculum developers work to bring in a robust curriculum that aligns to the various board recommendations for values education. An assortment of interesting and thought provoking stories for children from class pre-K to 10 aims at improving the moral, spiritual and emotional health of children. Combined with wisdom from the ancient Indian texts, the curriculum is designed to give students a cogent world view and this is achieved through stories, based on the incidents from Vedic literature and the lives of great saints and personalities of India, through stories from around the world, through stories based on Indian heritage, culture, sacred geography and festivals and a lot through activities that reinforce learning of values.
We have been receiving overwhelming responses from our students, parents and the teachers. Students are able to demonstrate values that they have learn. It has been observed that students participate more in these classes and they look forward for this class. There is increased respect, acceptance, tolerance and patience and certainly politeness among students who are taking these classes.

Our Motto

“tat karma yanna bandhāya sā vidyā yā vimuktaye”

That is work, which leads not to bondage,That is knowledge, which leads to liberation.

(Vishnu Purana 1.19.41)

Our Vision

Our vision is to create an ecosystem that fosters a child’s intellectual, social, moral, emotional and spiritual abilities through values education.

What Our Students Say…

“This year our Values Plus classes were amazing and our teachers were so interactive. I learnt so many values and it has helped me become a better person. I have qualities that children from other schools don’t have.”


Student , class 6

“I like Values Plus classes because it gives us many good values so that we can apply it where it is necessary. It is the best classes I ever attended.”


Student, class 7

“I love Values Plus classes because after learning all the other subjects like social studies, Maths, Science etc. when I enter the Values Plus room the first thought that comes on my mind is that while going out I go as a person with full of positive energy inside me.”


Student, class 6

What Parents are saying…

“Appreciate the concept of Values Plus. It’s making a difference in my children’s life & thought process. Kudos!”


“Very Unique Program that gives an excellent exposure to Indian culture, values & history to children in their formative years. Thank you.”

Venkatarao Ryalli

“Have observed couple of instances when Diya has displayed a strong sense of honesty in spite of being in a difficult situation. Am highly obliged to the Values Plus team for having provided a platform which reinforces such values in kids.”

Kothandaraman S


sessions per year


Years Established

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48/10, 13th Cross Rd, Mount Layout, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560003

Telephone: +91 9071794435

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9am – 5pm